Saturday 19 March 2011

A host of golden Daffodils

It has been several years since I last visited George Hayes reserve and as it is a Saturday in the middle of March and the sun was shining we made the decision to pay it a visit.
Georges Hayes is a Staffordshire Wildlife Trust reserve   It is home to an ancient woodland but more importantly for me today, it also has the largest colony of native daffodils in Staffordshire.
When we arrived at the reserve a large bumble bee flew past, the first one I've seen this year, so a great start! then we were confronted by a large amount of litter scattered about the car parking area, so our first job, (which we really didn't have time to do because the rugby was on TV all afternoon, which apparently we needed to get back for!) was to collect up all the litter up into a bag. House keeping done we walked into the woodland.

 The ground was covered in wild garlic leaves and a hint of their heady aroma hit us in waves,

There was also the evidence of the beautiful delights that will await the visitors later in the spring with bluebell leaves all around us too.

The path was also dotted with celandine, and the sound of the woodpeckers drumming along with the calls of the numerous small woodland birds made us very aware that spring is in full swing.

Then there they were in all their glory,' I wandered lonely as a cloud'  can't fail to jump into ones mind at this time.

Daffodils happen to be one of my favourite flowers!

I could have sat amongst them all day!

.... but alas! I couldn't as the rugby was on TV all afternoon and apparently we needed to get back for it!!!!

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